on sunday 23.06.2024 from 3 pm to 6 pm the next adding café for the lacune project will take place.
the Lacune project was initiated by historian heike schader and documents her research on lesbians and women who love women from the 1920s in hamburg on a digital map. the project is accompanied and supported by the platform a thousand channels.

in the adding cafés at bildwechsel we extend the time period with stories from protagonists and contemporary witnesses up to 1990. we hope to be able to tell stories that couldn’t be told from in 1933 and could only emerge and develop again after 1945 with the end of ns fascism.
a project by heike schader with the support of a thousand channels (thomas böker, dafne jaramillo and ulf treger) and bildwechsel.
location: bildwechsel dynamo, kirchenallee 25, 20099 hamburg