REVIEW- AND ADDING CAFÉ: LACUNE lacune (gaps) are to be filled in the narrative about the history of the city of hamburg.
sunday, 18.2.2024 – 15.00 to 19.00 hrs

on the one hand, the focus will be on places and protagonists of women’s lives in the period from 1900 to 1935 and, on the other hand, on sites that were places of encounter for women’s longing, hope, community and life together before 1990.
which pre-digital places would you like to save from being forgotten?
where did you feel comfortable? what did you experience there? what would you like to share?
a project by heike schader , historian; with the support of a thousend-channels platform (thomas böker, dafne jaramillo and ulf treger) and bildwechsel.
kirchallee 25.
20099 hamburg