call for queer music videos
The Hamburg Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and Bildwechsel Hamburg are looking for music videos done by queer artists and musicians.
We would like to ask you for any contributions you might have for our archive.
In addition, we are planning a screening during the Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in October in Hamburg which will be made up of videos from this archive. The festival is the largest and oldest in GLBT Film Festival in Germany and will be 18 this year.
If you are interested in participating, we need your contributions by the end of August!
Bildwechsel (founded in 1979) houses several archives, one of which is the video collection. Here Bildwechsel has been collecting, storing and showing films and videos on women, lesbian, queer and trans* issues for over 25 years. The collection houses over 6,000 videos/films, and constitutes a unique chronicle and visual panorama of the work of international women+ artists and women+ filmmakers.
We would love to include your video(s) in the Bildwechsel archives, so that there is an opportunity for your work to be seen by other filmmakers, programmers and others working on/with video.
You can download the Agreement Form for video and film donors at: agreement.pdf
Please include a completed version with your video.
Even if it is not possible for you to send a copy we would be really happy if you could send information about your work and a distribution address (for Germany/Europe) if there is one, so that we can pass on this information.
If you have any questions please contact us. We hope to hear from you.
with all best wishes
(lesbian and gay film festival)
(bildwechsel – video collection)
We decided to use the term women+ to acknowledge Bildwechsel’s history as a women’s project on the one hand and its inclusiveness towards trans*, intersexuals and queer men on the other.
send your video to:
(queer music videos)
Kirchenallee 25
20099 Hamburg
PS:please pass this on