the garden film programme
More: the garden film programmebildwechsel invites you to the premiere of our new programme of floral shorts we are very excited about our new and blooming bouquet of artist films old and new – a packed programme of experimental, political, performative, queer, feminist, foliage fun – and we hope… …
first garden date
More: first garden dateThe first screening of the bildwechsel garden programme will be on the 24th May at Four Corners, London – 6.30pm for 7pm start. email for tickets – entry by donation (to cover the cost of the venue). Full programme details up soon. …
The Garden film programme – call for submissions
More: The Garden film programme – call for submissionsSend us your films! Ideas about and around the idea of gardens and gardening, fantasy gardens, science fiction, artist gardens, gender, sexuality and the garden, queer gardening, feminism and the garden, animations, music videos, experimental, documentary, activist films…. films old and new would be lovely,… …
50 windows into the bildwechsel women+artist internet archive
More: 50 windows into the bildwechsel women+artist internet archivein 2012 bildwechsel will begin an internet-presentation of videos/films chosen from the videokollektion. this pilot project is called 50 windows into the women+artist internet archive, and will test out suitable ways of presenting more and more material from the bildwechsel archives online. the first video… …
Call for Films
More: Call for FilmsCall for Submissions for the Sex Work Film Fest (SAFF). The Sex Work Film Fest is now accepting international entries for the 2012 festival, to take place in Hamburg, Germany in June. The entry deadline is March 15th 2012. Hamburg is a city widely known… …
bildwechsel calendar
More: bildwechsel calendarphotography bychristina schäfer Please check out the bildwechsel online end of the year calendar of drawing, photography and videos. Put together with the help of 31 international artists and friends of bildwechsel. come and click …
Zine Action Day
More: Zine Action DayThe Hamburg Feminist Zine Action Day! 03. + 04.12.2011 – Hamburg Blogosphere and small press, zines and comics – it all comes together at the Hamburg Zine Action Day! The event is non-profit, with an aim to provide a place for artists, activists and art… …
feminist animations & short films screeining in Berlin
More: feminist animations & short films screeining in Berlindedicated to shifting images. i love bildwechsel screening: FEMINIST ANIMATIONS & SHORT FILMS i love bildwechsel is proud to present a hand-picked collection of feminist animations and short films! the exquisite selection includes films from jessica maccormack, seb cazes, suzanne hofer and marianne halter, beate… …
Cinenova and Bildwechsel Screening in Berlin
More: Cinenova and Bildwechsel Screening in BerlinCinenova and Bildwechsel Screening in Berlin at the Globale Film Festival 5th and 6th November, Cinema Moviemento To develop a non-patriarchal perspective was a priority topic of feminist film after 1968. Media archives like bildwechsel (Hamburg) and film distributors like Cinenova (London) turned feminist theory… …