Meet Bev Zalcock at the Queer Film Festival Hamburg
More: Meet Bev Zalcock at the Queer Film Festival HamburgAll those who like experimental films, subversive underground productions and political queer art will certainly enjoy our special evening with London-based filmmaker Bev Zalcock and Bildwechsel. Bev Zalcock started making films in 1968, and for the past 16 years she and her partner, Sara Chambers,… …
Bildwechsel screening at Ladyfest Rome
More: Bildwechsel screening at Ladyfest RomeBildwechsel will be visiting Ladyfest Rome, and will be showing two programmes of short films, and also bringing a “Pocket Archive” of films to choose from for you to put your own programme together. The Programs, curated by Christina Schäfer, Eva Kietzmann and Manuela Schininá:… …
More: Blechbox-GesprächeAs part of the ‘Blechbox-Gespräche’ bildwechsel and the villa magdalena k. present Jessica Maccormack, a montreal based artist. Wednesday 10th of August at 8pm at the villa magdalena k., Bernstorffstr.160a, Hamburg Working with animation, video, painting, drawing, installation and intervention, her interdisciplinary practice examines the… …
More: KURZFILMCRUISINGKURZFILMCRUISING: BILDWECHSEL meets PARANOID:PARADISE meets MAUERSTREIFEN This time the viewers are not sitting in comfy cinema chairs -as usual- but will themselves get active under the open air. Taking the films with them through town, they will move from one wall to the next and… …
VALIE PLUS- Pocket Archive
More: VALIE PLUS- Pocket ArchiveVALIE PLUS- Pocket Archive Dedicated to shifting Images. I love Bildwechsel “VALIE PLUS – Pocket Archive” is intended to be an on-going series placing its interest within film, video and performance focusing on queer-feminist perspectives, representation and viewpoints. In the “Pocket Archive” we will “export”… …
Bauhaus am Flughafen
More: Bauhaus am FlughafenBauhaus am Flughafen: ein Schlafsaal, ein Videokabinett und ein Kostümfest from June 3rd to June 26th 2012 Bildwechsel at the artist studios sootbörn June 3rd to June 5th performance artists meeting A 3-day event to exchange ideas about different working conditions, present work to one… …
More: YES, WE AREBildwechsel presents: YES, WE ARE by Magda Wystub + Katrina Schaffer 2011, 70min, polish with subtitles The first documentary focusing exclusively on the situation of lesbians in Poland. website: yes-we-are.de venue: B-Movie, Brigittenstr. 5, Hamburg date: May 17th, 2011 beginning: 8pm …
Beauty & Brains
More: Beauty & BrainsGLIZZER invites + Bildwechsel & Document Festival present: Beauty & Brains by Catherine Donaldson UK 2010 1:24 Would you enter a talent contest to stop rape and abuse being an everyday part of your existence? To be third-gender in Nepal means a choice of three… …
Goldenes Kleeblatt Vernissage on February 25th
More: Goldenes Kleeblatt Vernissage on February 25thKaskadenkondensator (Basel), Kunsthafen 59° / Mesaoo Wrede and Bildwechsel present Goldenes Kleeblatt with work by: Mitchelle Andrade (Hamburg) elastico-illustration.de * Durbahn (Hamburg/Lübeck) durbahn.net Sabina Baumann (Zürich) sabinabaumann.ch Paula Williams (Glasgow) Karin Kröll (Hamburg) opening: 25th of February 2011 at 7pm venue: Kunsthafen 59°, Neue Strasse… …