Bildwechsel presents: Open Your Golden Gates
More: Bildwechsel presents: Open Your Golden GatesHave you ever been to San Francisco? Did you leave your heart there? Are you curious about the world’s gay paradise? Coral Short is back to deliver you the Bay Area’s finest queer videomakers’ work. From Oakland back across the Bay Bridge to San Francisco,… …
bildwechsel zine database
More: bildwechsel zine databaseInterested in zines? bildwechsel needs you! we have a huge stack of all kinds of zines that need to be put into the bildwechsel zine database. come, visit, have a look at the truly wonderful zine collection, and help us get it organised! …
Cabaret and Dance – a benefit evening for Bildwechsel
More: Cabaret and Dance – a benefit evening for BildwechselCabaret and Dance Saturday, February the 19th at 8 pm A benefit evening for Bildwechsel – for our and your amusement! Bildwechsel / Galerie Broll und Evi, Nic & C host an evening of performance miniatures with shine and fire, an intense and wild evening… …
Working On It
More: Working On ItBildwechsel Glasgow presents…. Working On It Sabina Baumann, Karin Michalski, Switzerland, 2008, 50mins, German with English subtitles. conversations * performances * queer electronics A group of Berlin-based artists gather to explore how perceptions of gender and sexual identity are constructed and ask, “What happens when… …
“VALIE PLUS – pocket archive” on January 1st 2011
More: “VALIE PLUS – pocket archive” on January 1st 2011“VALIE PLUS – Pocket Archive” is intended to be an on-going series placing its interest within film, video and performance focusing on queer and feminist perspectives, representations and viewpoints. In the „Pocket Archive“ we will „export“ films and videos of international artists and filmmakers to… …
sounds of….. film programme
More: sounds of….. film programmea short-film programme of feminist, lesbian and queer music- and sound-related videos from the bildwechsel archives. date: thursday 16th december beginning: 7pm venue: CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, cca-glasgow.com, FREE facebook event page solidarity screening of: A Fire in My Belly, David Wojnarowicz, 4 mins,… …
bildwechsel calendar
More: bildwechsel calendarPlease check out the bildwechsel online end of the year calendar of drawing and photography, put together in cooperation with kaskadenkondensator. …
qunst.mag zine release party on december 10th
More: qunst.mag zine release party on december 10thfilm: books of james Ho Tam, Canada 2006, 72min Inspired by a collection of personal notebooks, Books of James is an experimental documentary on ART, AIDS and ACTIVISM. Based on the writing, drawing, video footage and personal revelation of James Wentzy, an artist/activist in New… …