Experiments In Living: Tuesday, September 22nd 2009
More: Experiments In Living: Tuesday, September 22nd 2009‘Experiments In Living’ is the Bildwechsel theme for 2009, and of our week long meeting in Glasgow (17th – 23rd September). Our focus is on artists’ and women’s and queer communities, groups, ways of organising and working and living. The screening this evening includes work… …
Experiments in Living: Friday, September 18th 2009
More: Experiments in Living: Friday, September 18th 2009AN INVITATION FROM FEEL TANK CHICAGO TO: NOT FADE AWAY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th 2009 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm @ bildwechsel’s ‘Experiments in Living’, at The Albany, corner of Ashley St and Carnarvon St (please use Carnarvon St entrance), Glasgow Everything’s going to hell in… …
Statement from Bildwechsel Glasgow on the censorship of work at Glasgow’s Museum of Modern Art
More: Statement from Bildwechsel Glasgow on the censorship of work at Glasgow’s Museum of Modern ArtYou may have heard that Culture and Sport Glasgow (the body responsible for art galleries, libraries and sports centres in Glasgow) and the Gallery of Modern Art have recently decided not to show a number of artworks that they had planned to exhibit as part… …
Experiments in Living: Monday, September 21st 2009
More: Experiments in Living: Monday, September 21st 2009Eat what you can find for free cafe and a programme of short films as part of Glasgow Festival of DIY Culture This event is part of the Glasgow Festival of DIY Culture and of the Bildwechsel programme of events, 17th – 23rd September: Experiments… …
More: KINO SHORT FILM NIGHTcoral short and bildwechsel present international DIY film culture to you with an amazing bill of shorts from europe, north america and australia. bildwechsel is a powerful european feminist film archive based in hamburg that has been around for over 30 years, and coral short… …
wechselplätze – bildwechsel @ westwerk
More: wechselplätze – bildwechsel @ westwerkBildwechsel presents the new format “VIDEO-DENKARIUM” and invites you to watch films/videos on ‘experiments in living’ dates: Saturday, 8th of August, starting at 4pm: bring and share your clothes Wednesday, 12th of August, 2pm – 9pm: video-denkarium: film program Thursday, 13th of August, 3pm: “ich… …
Permanent Conference of Artistic Resources, 17th – 25th September, Glasgow 2009
More: Permanent Conference of Artistic Resources, 17th – 25th September, Glasgow 2009‘Experiments in Living’ This is the fourth meeting of the Permanent Conference and we will invite women+ from various artist-run groups and projects to join us to explore ideas around “experiments in living”. The aim of the meeting is to come up with different responses,… …
Call for films
More: Call for filmsThe 20th Hamburg International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival will run from the 20th to the 25th of October, 2009. For this year’s collaboration with the Lesbian and Gay Film Festival we are inviting the Chubsters from London. Therefore we are looking for films dealing… …
More: STREIK ACADEMY in BremenFrom 17.-19. of July ’09 the Streik Academy will exhibit documentations of different types of strikes of around 30 artists and scientists and strategies of “how to better strike” will be imparted and developed in workshops. Concerts and performances will present further concepts. On Friday… …