More: re.act.feminismre.act.feminism – performance art of the 1960s and 70s today exhibition, video archive, live performances and conference 13.12.2008 – 8.2.2009 Akademie der Künste Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin Performance art emerging in the 1960s and 70s was infused with ideas of social emancipation and fundamentally influenced… …
Bildwechsel videomuseum
More: Bildwechsel videomuseumBildwechsel has a videomuseum. The bildwechsel videomuseum website: http://videomuseum.wordpress.com …
Submit your hair film!
More: Submit your hair film!Bildwechsel Hamburg is looking for short films (Only on video or dvd, sorry!) and videos dealing with HAIR for a screening in Hamburg. Your work will be screened at the release party for the upcoming issue of qunst.mag. Qunst.mag is an e-zine created by members… …
Unvermittelt exhibition at ngbk
More: Unvermittelt exhibition at ngbkunvermittelt …for a concept of labour beyond overwork and lack of work Opening: 12 December 2008, 7pm About 50 activists, initiatives, artists, theorists and opinion leaders from throughout the world have been invited to redefine the concepts of work and of being active under the… …
Bildwechsel Short Films at KLIR SZYFT
More: Bildwechsel Short Films at KLIR SZYFT30.11.08 // Bildwechsel Short Films at KLIR SZYFT // Warszawa KLIR SZYFT! (that’s almost-polish for QUEER SHIFT!) 27. – 30. November 2008, Warsaw A queer, radical, anarchafeminist community building event. An open, friendly, safe space for folks of all sexualities, gender identities, shapes, sizes, ethnic… …
Zine fair in warsaw!
More: Zine fair in warsaw!As part of “k?ir szyft”, a radical queer festival in Warsaw happening from the 27th to the 30th of november, there will be a ZINE FAIR!!! The event includes an exhibition, d.i.y. workshops, discussions, and presentations on the topic of zines. The schedule is still… …
More: I HEART MY ARTA night of short movies presented by Nikki Forrest and Eva Kietzmann Nikki Forrest, artist from Montreal, Canada will show some of her experimental short films. Eva Kietzmann will show works from the Bildwechsel archives by Barbara Naegelin, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick, Les… …
Qunst.mag #3
More: Qunst.mag #3The third issue of qunst.mag is ready to be downloaded at: qunst.net ‘Qunst.mag is an e-zine created by members of Bildwechsel and the contributing artists. Our aim is to provide a platform for queer feminist artists working in various media. …
More: IN YOUR FACE! HIP HOP IN RETROSPECTIVEThe Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Hamburg and Bildwechsel present during this years Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Hamburg: IN YOUR FACE! HIP HOP IN RETROSPECTIVE …