LADIYFEST Berlin 7. -10.08 call for films
More: LADIYFEST Berlin 7. -10.08 call for filmsLiebe grrrlz, ladys, postladies, feminists, trans*, inters and queers of every colour! LADIYFEST Berlin 7. -10.08 (ex ladyfest) invites you to send your film- and video-productions! We are interested in diy, self organized productions, films of collective processes, semi professional, amateur and so called professional… …
OPEN-AIR-FILM-SUMMER „Paranoid Paradise”
More: OPEN-AIR-FILM-SUMMER „Paranoid Paradise”Gender Cooking – In der Küche der Geschlechter We are invited to Leipzig to show clips, that are dealing with food and cooking. Come and see what we have found in our archives! Bring material about you, your publications, your zines, your videocopies, your DVD’s… …
Videoscreening and Concert on June 7th
More: Videoscreening and Concert on June 7thVideoscreening with Jessica MacCormack Jessica MacCormack will be screening a series of animated works that address issues of the criminalization of women and youth. Recent videos made by women and youth at Crossing Communities Art Project in Winnipeg (Canada), where Jessica works as an artistic… …
Bildwechsel Glasgow screeining on 4th June
More: Bildwechsel Glasgow screeining on 4th JuneBildwechsel Glasgow presents…. independent and d.i.y. films from glasgow, scottish, uk and international women / lesbian / transgender / feminist / queer film makers. Wednesday 4th June, 7.30pm at cca A free but ticketed event – get your tickets at the cca box office: Tel.… …
Bildwechsel screening at Metropolis
More: Bildwechsel screening at MetropolisBildwechsel is showing a program compiled by Chantal Molleur on Friday the 16th of May at the Metropolis Kino Hamburg. Chantal has worked for 4 years at ‘Groupe Intervention Video’ (givideo.org) an artist run, non-profit centre that acquires, distributes, exhibits and produces independent videos directed… …
More: BubenballThere is a new german website online where you can find information about the upcoming Bubenball and some info’s about the two past Bubenbälle. Website: www.galerie-broll.com/projekte/bubenballseite English information about the Bubenball can be found here. If you want a ticket for the Bubenball, please write… …
More: ART, DOCUMENTATION & THE LESBIAN REVOLUTIONMIX NYC presents a screening at CUNY CLAGS ALMS conference. An international conference focusing on LGBT archives, libraries, museums special collections happening May 8-10. Selected films & videos from the Lesbian Herstory Archives (NYC) and the Bildwechsel Archive (Hamburg, Germany) Presented by Kate Huh, Co-Director… …
‘Scenes from everyday life’ on April the 5th
More: ‘Scenes from everyday life’ on April the 5thPremiere of the first 3-day mini-festival «Video Park Broll» in Basel. Work will be screened at the cinema «Club» and at Lodypop, and will be part of an online exhibition on the website «Video Park Broll». You can find more infos about the online exhibition… …
Bildwechsel screening in Warsaw
More: Bildwechsel screening in WarsawInvitation for Bildwechsel Berlins arty Filmscreening: Get ready to dress to impress! During this evening we will offer you a nice combination of clips, videos, performances and arty films that are dealing with clothes and getting dressed in an impressive and uncommon way! Hot ,funky,… …