Deconstructing Video Workshop at UFA/ Warsaw
More: Deconstructing Video Workshop at UFA/ WarsawVideo Workshop 19. and 21.-23. of march „Seksmisja – Kopernikus was a woman” Have you ever wanted to shoot a queer and feminist movie? And to do it in a collective way? And even in a diy style? Here comes the possibility! Together we will… …
More: BUBENBALL – BILDWECHSEL BENEFITsave the date: 3. May 2008 on the Cap San Diego in Hamburg’s harbour For friends of the high seas, for sailors, pirates, mermaids and fishes. A celebration of free people, a meeting point for the elderly youth and raw transvestites. – where real friends… …
queer monday meets pluesch & plunder
More: queer monday meets pluesch & plunderBildwechsel screening at Queer Monday: – the corner (christina schaefer, 2007) – we become our own wolves (jessica mac cormack, 2007) – wake up! (sabine rollnik und sinti sebald, 2007) – the future of feminism (cara holmes, 2007) Bring your own short films, music and… …
Club Wotever comes to Glasgow 27th & 28th March
More: Club Wotever comes to Glasgow 27th & 28th MarchThu 27th March – 8pm-11pm Film screening and talk. We show the film Mirrror, mirror by Zem Moffat, filmed in and around Wotever and five of the performers, activists and creators of the club and movement we now know is Wotever… talk after the film… …
Bildwechsel Glasgow screening 5th March @ cca
More: Bildwechsel Glasgow screening 5th March @ ccaBildwechsel Glasgow presents…. independent and d.i.y. films from glasgow, scottish, uk and international women / lesbian / transgender / feminist / queer film makers Wednesday 5th March, 7.30pm at cca A free but ticketed event – get your tickets at the cca box office: Tel.… …
Bildwechsel screening in Warsaw!
More: Bildwechsel screening in Warsaw!We’re off to Warsaw at the end of February to show films at the new queer-feminist centre u-f-a. Bildwechsel Hamburg are showing the programme ‘too queer for mtv’ and Bildwechsel Berlin and Glasgow showing programmes as well. …
Bildwechsel screening in Berlin
More: Bildwechsel screening in BerlinBildwechsel Berlin presents a program with films out of the Bildwechsel artist archive. Get ready to dress to impress! We show clips, that are dealing with clothes, crossdressing, posing and gender in a humorous way. Diy, punk, arty stuff, performance, etc. Who drags on and… …
qunst.mag e-zine published
More: qunst.mag e-zine published‘Qunst.mag is an e-zine created by members of Bildwechsel and the contributing artists. Our aim is to provide a platform for queer feminist artists working in various media. This is the first issue of qunst.mag, and our theme for this issue is ‚traveling‘.’ Please download… …
‘Screaming Queens’ screening on February 4th
More: ‘Screaming Queens’ screening on February 4thBildwechsel presents a Queer Monday Event: ‘Screaming Queens – The Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria’ ‘Three years before the famous rioting at New York’s Stonewall Inn, there was a riot in San Francisco at Gene Compton’s Cafeteria. On a hot Summer’s night in 1966, in the… …