TOO QUEER FOR MTV screening at Queer Monday
More: TOO QUEER FOR MTV screening at Queer MondayThe Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Hamburg and Bildwechsel present: The best of ‘TOO QUEER FOR MTV’ Turning their backs on the notion of mass-appeal and profiting from the accessibility to technology and new broadcast channels, a large and diverse group of people are producing… …
*Videopark Broll – Call for video:*
More: *Videopark Broll – Call for video:*Galerie Helga Broll, Lodypop and Videopark invite you to submit work for a 3-day mini-festival in 2008 in Basel. Your work will be screened at the cinema «Club» and at Lodypop, and will be part of an online exhibition on the website «Video Park Broll».… …
More: “DRAHTZIEHERINNEN BRECHEN IHR SCHWEIGEN”As a part of the European art festival “WIR SIND WOANDERS #2” Bildwechsel will host a workshop on the situation of mainly womans artists in Poland, Scotland and Germany. Members of the Bildwechsel bases Warsaw, Hamburg and Glasgow will talk on three days about the… …
More: “WHIP”Ginger Brooks Takahashi and Ulrike Mueller – “WHIP” 14. October – 03. November, 2007 opening: Sunday, 14.10.07. – 7 pm. “A whip is a great way to get someone to be here now. They can’t look away from it, and they can’t think about anything… …
KAP release party and films from Ladyfest Berlin
More: KAP release party and films from Ladyfest BerlinThe title of KAP no.10 is «KÖRPER ALS PLUS» it refers to the exhibition «Behauptungen ausstellen. Haltungen einnehmen. Strike a pose!». KAP is published by the art space Lodypop (lodypop.ch) in co-operation with Edit. You can find all past issues of KAP at the website… …
More: WIR SIND WOANDERS #2Bildwechsel is part of the European art festival ‘WIR SIND WOANDERS’ in Hamburg. Twenty-two Hamburg art spaces showcase new European art scene currents, production approaches, and strategies in a four week festival, running from October 2 through 28, 2007. A broad spectrum of partner institutions… …
More: TOO QUEER FOR MTVThe Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Hamburg and Bildwechsel present during this years Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Hamburg: TOO QUEER FOR MTV Turning their backs on the notion of mass-appeal and profiting from the accessibility to technology and new broadcast channels, a large and… …
More: HANGING OUT WITH ARCHIVESan installation/exhibition of archives from Bildwechsel, in co-operation with WESTWERK. Bildwechsel is an umbrella organisation for women+ and their representation in media, culture and art. It houses international archives and collections. collecting/archiving/presenting – this is our slogan! for over 28 years we have worked as… …
Call for the 1st queer hamburger debut short film Award
More: Call for the 1st queer hamburger debut short film Award1st queer hamburger debut short film festival on August 27th, 2007 We are looking for debut short films or film fragments. The Audience award will be announced at the closing ceremony of the 1st queer hamburger debut short film festival. Regulation 1. eligibility requirements: Entry… …