Small illustrator meeting on Friday, 3rd of August
More: Small illustrator meeting on Friday, 3rd of AugustWe are having a small illustrator meeting at Bildwechsel with the summer house stipendiary Susanne Hanus. Drop by! We want to draw and maybe produce some stickers. starts at 2 pm, open end Bildwechsel, Kirchenallee 25, Hamburg-City …
Fuckface and the Cowboys from Space premiere in Glasgow
More: Fuckface and the Cowboys from Space premiere in GlasgowBurnout Films (in association with Bildwechsel Glasgow) present the premiere of the third Burnout Films production: Fuckface and the Cowboys from Space Wednesday 18th July, 7.30pm at cca A free but ticketed event – get your tickets at the cca box office: cca 350 Sauchiehall… …
More: PERFORMERINNENTREFFEN/BASELInitiated and organized from kaskadenkondensator and via_studio (basel) and bildwechsel (hamburg): After Berlin, Hannover and Hamburg this time the performer meeting takes place in Basel. During this 3-day event the involved report about their different work conditions, present their work to the others and work… …
Bildwechsel Glasgow – call out!!
More: Bildwechsel Glasgow – call out!!queer, diy, collective, made-in-a-day films – call out!! We’ve got another date at the cca on the 18th july – to premiere the next burnoutfilms film – going to show the three films from them and would like to show some other shorts made in… …
Bildwechsel service break: June 18th – August 1st
More: Bildwechsel service break: June 18th – August 1stBildwechsel service break: from June 18th to August 1st Bildwechsel does not offer opening and information times. …
The archive bus is going to Basel
More: The archive bus is going to BaselOn Saturday the 23rd of June we will celebrate the handoff of the “Samuel-Herzog” collection to the archives of Bildwechsel in the Bildwechsel base in Basel: lodypop (St.Johannsvorstadt 72, 4056 Basel, www.lodypop.ch). The “Samuel-Herzog” collection consists of contemporary art material that has been collected over… …
call for queer music videos
More: call for queer music videosThe Hamburg Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and Bildwechsel Hamburg are looking for music videos done by queer artists and musicians. We would like to ask you for any contributions you might have for our archive. In addition, we are planning a screening during the… …
Film screening on May 12th
More: Film screening on May 12thThe Gay and Lesbian Film Festival and Bildwechsel present the double feature ‘Hosen’. Die Hosenrolle – ein Format The breeches part in Film, Opera und Theatre beginning: 8pm Die gefühlte Hose a shorts program beginning: 9.15pm venue: Metropolis Kino, Dammtorstr. 30a, Neustadt, Hamburg date: May… …
Bildwechsel Glasgow screening 16th May @ cca
More: Bildwechsel Glasgow screening 16th May @ ccaBILDWECHSEL GLASGOW PRESENTS…. independent and d.i.y. films from glasgow, scottish, uk and international women / lesbian / transgender / feminist / queer film makers: Ganz Oben – On the top E+T, 2 min, 1997, Hamburg, Ewjenia Tsanana runs up a stairway, takes off her T-shirt… …