bildwechsel end of the year calendar
More: bildwechsel end of the year calendarSince 2010 bildwechsel has invited artists to send us pictures for the internet-exhibition “JAHRESENDKALENDER”. We’ve now shown nine consecutive exhibitions with the work of 100 artists and 300 pictures. Each year the calendar is running from December into the new year. All previous calendars are… …
tin box talks at bildwechsel
More: tin box talks at bildwechselprojects, plans and premieres q&a See the premiere of ( – ) A video project by Franziska Kabisch & Laura Nitsch A film about having a voice, the ability to speak, loosing the voice, to work with it and in which language. can we talk… …
tin box talks at bildwechsel
More: tin box talks at bildwechselTin box talk with Loretta Walz. The film maker will talk about her experiences with the long running internet archive „Die Frauen von Ravensbrück“. www.videoarchiv-ravensbrueck.de de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loretta_Walz date: December 12th, 2018 beginning: 7pm venue: Kirchenallee 25, Hamburg …
An unfinished conversation
More: An unfinished conversation“An unfinished conversation“* Artist talk & short films with Nosheen Khwaja / Digital Desperados (Glasgow) “Breaking down barriers that prevent (Trans*-) Women of Color from making their own films”: Digital Desperados (DD) Digital Desperados (an independent group in Glasgow, Scotland) has been offering film courses… …
swarm-viewing during the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival
More: swarm-viewing during the Hamburg International Queer Film Festivalwe know that every video/film wants to be seen. for a swarm-viewing we bring a collection of films and videos that are related to one another – by theme, approach, time, or place – this time we will be showing films on the topic #mybodyispolitical.… …
More: EDIT-A-THON: WIKIPEDIA WORKSHOPEDIT-A-THON: WIKIPEDIA WORKSHOP and editing event on ART + FEMINSM with bildwechsel basel in cooperation with bildwechsel hamburg edit-a-thon art + feminism is an editing marathon for wikipedia connoisseurs and debutants. We will be editing entries about women in the arts, write new ones and… …
More: ZEICHNER*INNENTREFFEN 2018This year the illustrators meeting will focus on screen printing. It will take place at the Villa Magdalena K. in Hamburg, where we can use the screen printing workshop. If you want to print please plan on coming both days. There will be help for… …
b_movie and bildwechsel present: recLAmation
More: b_movie and bildwechsel present: recLAmationHilary Goldberg’s recLAmation is a feature-length experimental documentary/narrative film shot on Super 8 in which capitalism in contemporary Los Angeles is overthrown, and queer superheroes navigate a possible future. recLAmation illuminates historic connections between private and public systems of oppression, and explores how worldview shifts… …
Swarm Viewing in Zurich
More: Swarm Viewing in ZurichBildwechsel Hamburg, in association with (video-)artist* and activist*, will be showing a selection of videos from their archives in Zurich on Sunday the 28th of January. Schwarmsichtung was developed by Bildwechsel and allows the participants to watch different videos at the same time individually. The… …