swarm-viewing during the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival
More: swarm-viewing during the Hamburg International Queer Film Festivalbildwechsel presents a swarm-viewing during the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival 2014 we know that every video/film wants to be seen. for a swarm-viewing we bring a collection of films and videos that are related to one another – by theme, or approach, or time,… …
swarm-viewing in basel
More: swarm-viewing in baselswarm-viewing in basel: video interviews with female artists from basel bildwechsel always tries to provide limelight for the wonderful films/videos that are in the collections of the bildwechsel archives (since 1979). we know that every video/film wants to be seen. for a swarm-viewing we bring… …
swarm-viewing @ la*D.I.Y_fest hamburg
More: swarm-viewing @ la*D.I.Y_fest hamburgbildwechsel presents a swarm-viewing at hamburg LA*D.I.Y_fest 2014 bildwechsel always tries to provide limelight for the wonderful films/videos that are in the collections of the bildwechsel archives (since 1979). we know that every video/film wants to be seen. for a swarm-viewing we bring a collection… …
swarm-viewing @ künstlerhaus sootbörn
More: swarm-viewing @ künstlerhaus sootbörnOn Sunday the 31st of August we present another swarm-viewing, this time at the Künstlerhaus Sootbörn in Hamburg. For this swarm-viewing we will bring videos out of our garden film collection, which came about following a call for films in 2012 and had its first… …
call for submissions- “how do you how do you DIY-videos”
More: call for submissions- “how do you how do you DIY-videos”Filmsfilmsfilms- bildwechsel is looking for films for the la*DIY_fest that takes place from september 11.–14. 2014 in hamburg. In cooperation with the la*DIY_fest bildwechsel would like to create a space for exchange and screenings, where you can share your videos with each other and watch… …
Experimental Video Work By Nikki Forrest
More: Experimental Video Work By Nikki ForrestVilla Magdalena K. and Bildwechsel invite you to an evening with Montreal based artist Nikki Forrest. She will show her recent experimental video work. Nikki Forrest is a Montreal based visual and media artist whose practice includes video, sound, drawing and installation projects. Her short… …
Bildwechsel calls for artist links
More: Bildwechsel calls for artist linksPlease send us links for the, soon to be relaunched, women+artist link site, and the new women+artist film/video makers portal. contact more info: 1. The “women+artist link site” Here’s a link to the existing site: www.bildwechsel.org/portal/index.html – On the new site we would really… …
Bildwechsel service break
More: Bildwechsel service breakFrom December 19th to January 14th Bildwechsel does not offer opening and information times. We will be back on January 15th 2014. Check out the bildwechsel end-of-year calender meanwhile: bildwechsel.org/jahresendkalender2013/ …
Bildwechsel birthday
More: Bildwechsel birthdayCome celebrate our 34th birthday with us on December 8th, 2013. From 3pm on we will serve cold and warm drinks and we will be watching treasures we have collected over the last 34 years in the bildwechsel archives. …