LaD.I.Y.fest Berlin (16.-19.07.09) is …
This year LaD.I.Y.fest Berlin formed two topic groups that each concentrate on specific subjects.
Inside of this years call for films we are focusing on those two topics, but we are keeping the call open for other subjects!
Topic 1:
‘Everyday Sexism’.
We are trying to look into where sexism occurs in our everyday lives and how to deal with it. A focus will be on how to speak up against sexism and to develop counter strategies. Specifically, we want to deal with heterosexism/heteronormativity, sexism within relationships and family as well as for example in the leftwing movement. Apart from that sexism in language and the power/right of (self)definition could be further talking points. -
Topic 2:
we want to offer a platform to reflect on structural discrimination and how norms, structures of power and racism are reproduced in different surroundings. Therefore we want to deal with discrimination by the state and mainstream society, as well as being self reflective and work on our own behavior and attitudes, re-question our figuration of inclusion/exclusion. We are thinking of topics like e.g. challenge the predominantly white western feminism which rarely engages the questions of migration and nationality, under a postcolonial perspective. We are interested in different perspectives and positions of voices, thinkings and practices of feminism.